What are some underrated skills that can lead to success in your line of field?

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People skills. Yes, it sounds cliche (because it is) , but that’s also true.

What are some underrated skills that can lead to success in your line of field?-第1张图片

Not your ability to code, create killer presentations, or even to understand what all those buttons on a spreadsheet do.

It’s how well you get along with others that can truly make or break your career.

About 85% of job success comes from having well-developed people skills. Only 15% comes from technical skills. So, while you're busy perfecting your PowerPoint animations, remember that building relationships might be the real game-changer.

Networking is not just for finding a job or collecting LinkedIn connections like they're Pokémon cards. It's what helps your career grow.

You need to network at work and outside of it.

It's not just about the actual work you do (although, let’s not forget, you do need to actually work). It’s about those coffee breaks and lunches with senior management. It’s about chatting with folks in other departments.

When it comes to career success, who you know is often more important than what you know—unless you're a surgeon or a pilot.

In that case, please, for everyone's sake, make sure you know what you’re doing.

But here’s the thing: It’s not enough to just meet people. You’ve got to connect with them in a genuine way. No one likes a phony.

Think about it: people are more likely to help you out, give you opportunities, or even promote you if they actually like you. So, instead of just working on those technical skills, start working on your people skills. Learn how to talk to people. And more importantly, learn how to listen. Listening is a superpower. It’s like a cheat code in a video game, but for real life.

Have you ever heard of someone getting a promotion because they were really good at avoiding the office coffee machine? No.

Promotions often go to the people who are seen, heard, and liked. So, yes, go ahead and schedule that coffee break with your boss or chat up someone from another department. These small actions can build bridges to your future success.

Your career will thank you for it.

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