How can individuals find self-worth if they do not possess any unique talents or skills?

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Well for one, everyone has some talent or skill in something. You might not think it’s in an important area, but you do have talent or skill. It may be in something seemingly “useless” like playing a video game or being able to sing the alphabet backwards, but we all have something.

As for finding self-worth, well, that’s all about philosophy. Who says you have to be good at something to have intrinsic value? Society? Your parents? Why do you have to care what they think? Self-worth is about what you think of yourself, and nothing else. There are plenty of people out there who don’t really contribute anything incredible to society, who value themselves plenty. You can base your self-worth on anything: maybe you aren’t very skilled or educated, but you are a good partner to your spouse, or a good friend to others.

Of course, if you absolutely feel like you have to possess a unique talent or skill to have self-worth, then go learn one! You can master almost any skill in this world if you are willing to put the time and effort into it. Even if you don’t have a natural talent for something, you can master it. It might take longer, and it might be more difficult, but barring an actual fault in mental capacity, you can master any skill with enough time.

So decide what skills you think will add value to your existence and go learn them. It might take time, but the most important thing to do is simply begin.

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