What are some general rules of living a satisfied life?

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#My parents sent me to government school, so what you still can learn everything what English medium teaching them you just need extra effort.(Don’t complain)

#These canteen foods are not good, look at outside some kids are selling flowers for money.(Be grateful that you are getting educated and food)

#I didn’t get good packages for my campus selection like you, at least you get a start point.(Life doesn’t end there)

#I can’t afford this trip, I will work hard and save money for next time.(Get motivation not depression)

#I want diamond not the gold one, my friend lost his hand at an accident.(lucky you are still in one piece)

#They have a big home , big car, foreign trip, yesterday police came and took his father is bribes case.You are till free.(Don’t judge the book based on the cover)

#He is earning salary but working day and night, you are less salary but your timing is fix.(You have time and family he don’t have none and gods knows how much pressure)

#He has a smart phone, you have keypad. He use his phone to calculate but you quickly did it with brain.(See the bright side always)

#He is good at math, you are good at biology. (We are different don’t compare)

#Today I may be can’t afford it but tomorrow I will definitely buy it. (Work with aim)

# They hurt you , move one . Now they want to get you back as you become stronger instead broken.(Increase your worth when you feel low).

#Your bf/gf /husband/ wife always with you in your bad days but can’t afford you expensive gift. (Al least some one is there in this lonely world)

What are some general rules of living a satisfied life?-第1张图片

image- Pinterest

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