What are some cool hacks for Reading a book Quickly?

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This reading hack will change your life.

Don't read a novel like a research paper. A novel should be read as a story, not something requiring 100% focus on every detail.

Don’t rely too heavily on your first read.

I’m not saying don’t concentrate—just don’t try too hard to remember everything, underline, or highlight sentences during your first read.

It breaks the flow.

Don’t focus on vocabulary either.

Many people make this mistake at some point. Don’t get stuck on complex words or keep checking a dictionary. Just grasp the meaning of the sentence and keep going.

Skim through the pages, stay focused, and read on until you finish the book.

If you enjoyed it or feel like you missed something important, revisit it a few months later.

By reading like this, your speed will increase significantly over the time, and you’ll end up reading more books than ever before.

What are some cool hacks for Reading a book Quickly?-第1张图片

We are all gifted,

Shubham KP

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