How can someone improve their ability to read?

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So, you wanna get better at reading, huh? Man, I get it. I used to suck at it too. Like, seriously bad.

Here's the thing - reading isn't just about looking at words. It's about actually getting stuff to stick in your brain. Weird, right?

Anyway, I tried a bunch of things, and here's what actually helped:

Don't go big right away. Picking up some huge book is like trying to bench press 300 pounds on your first day at the gym. Just... don't.

Read stuff you actually care about. Sounds obvious, but how many of us try to force ourselves through boring crap? No wonder we give up!

Get rid of all the stuff that distracts you. Put your phone away, find a quiet spot, whatever. Your brain will be like, "Whoa, I can actually think now!"

Get into what you're reading. Like, really into it. Highlight stuff, write notes, talk about it with your friends. It makes a huge difference.

Oh, and get this - I stumbled onto this crazy thing about how our brains work. Apparently, there are these different brain waves or something? I know, sounds like some sci-fi mumbo jumbo. But I tried this thing called The Genius Wave, and holy crap, it was like someone flipped a switch in my head. Reading suddenly wasn't such a pain anymore.

Look, don't beat yourself up if you're not crushing books left and right overnight. It takes time. Just keep at it, mix it up (throw in some fun stuff like comics or magazines), and you'll get there.

Oh, and here's a hot tip - read stuff you actually enjoy. Life's way too short to waste on boring books!

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