Bangalore is an extremely boring city made for robotic IT nerds only. You can see people in the cafes also with their laptops on & doing coding. A young college couple come for a date & start discussing about physics in the mall on weekend. It's very common here.
My friend visited Bangalore for a vacation but he chose the dates Monday-Friday & calls it the worst vacation of his life ever.
Take my case, I'm what you would call a “Vella” meaning I have all the free time (as well as money, fortunately) in the world. Still I'll say that Bangalore is an extremely boring city with no life & positivity outside. The quality of life in Delhi’s LIG areas also are better than Bangalore’s most developed areas. (If you take the parameter of enjoying life & the happiness quotient outside in public into consideration).
So don't worry bro, you're at the right place. Life is boring for everyone in Bangalore and it's a very boring, monotonous & dull city. Atleast you don't have the regrets of missing out on any life due to your demanding corporate responsibilities in Bangalore, because guess what, there isn't any actually in Bangalore. So be happy always & cheers. 🍻
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