Well , idk if I can completely answer that. I can tell you what I've read from eastern philosophy and Buddhism? 😆
So the gist is , everyone has thoughts , they don't even necessarily originate from you specifically, so it's best to notice them , observe them , then let go and let it pass , WE ARE NOT OUR THOUGHTS…and I think when a majorly fucked up thought pops into someone's head , they feel guilty. As long as you realize those thoughts are not a part of you , and let them pass you'll be fine.
Now suffering comes in when you OVERANALYZE , over THINK about those thoughts…thoughts are natural and uncontrolled , but suffering comes from overthinking about those thoughts , instead of letting them just slide thru you and back out…you hold onto them , overthink them, then you're stuck…you've now invested attachment and thinking into something you should just let come and go like a cool spring breeze… ( or a stinky fart )
Hopefully that helps.
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