What are the things you discovered from your own experiences that make your life easier?

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Avoid replying to people online as much as you can. Saves your energy.

Ignore A’holes online and offline both.

Don’t even care to fix people anymore.

Don’t try to give advices to people online and offline.

If someone asks you for advice on relationship tell them to do whatever they feel like. Saves your time and they won’t bore you with their lovey dovey BS.

Don’t give attention to people who don’t deserve it.

Never argue with an idiot.

Block people who are meant to be blocked. Believe me it’s peaceful 😁

avoid using social media.

Don’t listen alpha podcasts on yt and improve your YT feed. Your YT feed can tell a lot about you.

Don’t give statements or reasons to explain people why you do this or that because it makes you happy without hurting anyone. No need.

No need to tell or educate people on politics and religion. Just give your views and move on.

What are the things you discovered from your own experiences that make your life easier?-第1张图片

Mom cooked this….

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