What would you do if you know everything that’s going to happen? I’ll be terrified to know the future. I’d rather live each day at a time. Thinking about the future... Knowledge 10/18/2023 475
How can you identify intelligent people? “Don't look back” shout while standing at the back of a hall filled with people.The people who don't... Knowledge 10/18/2023 498
What do you know about American history that most people don’t know? America has always had an anti-intellectual basis. Read Richard Hofstadter Anti-intellectualism in A... Knowledge 10/18/2023 522
What are some of the most awesome psychological facts? Imagine walking into a room full of people you've never met before. Your eyes scan the crowd, and su... Knowledge 10/18/2023 477
What are some things a woman should know about men? The guy who likes you when you don't look the best, will keep liking you when makeup stops working o... Knowledge 10/18/2023 514
What is the best thing that you learned today? A girl asked me, "why is it that despite how big my love is, he still left?"I answered, "because it'... Knowledge 10/18/2023 499
What can I learn in one minute that will be useful for the rest of my life? Ha! You won’t even need a minute for this radical life changer.TIME TRACKINGNow…Have you ever wanted... Knowledge 10/18/2023 503
What is something people need to understand? I was beating coffee when my phone rang. I knew it was him, even without looking at the phone.I saw... Knowledge 10/18/2023 513
What is something you didn't know? “I have two rules for getting in a fight,” my mom tells me.“Rule number one: take off your glasses.... Knowledge 10/18/2023 530
What is something that 90% of people don't seem to understand? I never wanted to talk about this, but I want to convey a message that is very important.I have met... Knowledge 10/18/2023 481
What unwritten rules should everyone try to live by? Things to keep private: everything.People will forget what you said and what you did, but people wil... Knowledge 10/18/2023 503
What historical fact blows your mind? Some facts about history that might surprise you:1. Ancient people knew the earth was round. Over 2... Knowledge 10/18/2023 477
What seems like it’d be fake but it is actually real? In 2011, a woman from New York donated her kidney to save the life of her boss. Debbie Stevens offer... Knowledge 10/18/2023 490
What's the hardest truth of life? The hardest truth of life is that it is inherently unpredictable and uncertain. No matter how much w... Knowledge 10/18/2023 504
What is the scariest thing you know too much about? The Jonestown Massacre.If you think that’s trash on the ground, you would be, as the first helicopte... Knowledge 10/18/2023 513