What are the 10 movies every intellectual person must watch? 10 movies? Let’s go! I’ve tried to take movies that haven’t been mentioned too much already. Some ar... Knowledge 01/06/2024 294
How would you define love? If he's in love ?He will never let you speak.So your jaw doesn't hurt.Hits you.Because he isn't afra... Knowledge 01/06/2024 304
What knowledge can I acquire in the next ten minutes that will benefit me throughout my entire life? KNOWLEDGE IN TEN MINUTES - EVEN WHOLE LIFE TIME IS NOT ENOUGH TO ACQUIRE KNOWLEDGE ABOUT ANYTHING AN... Knowledge 01/05/2024 322
If you do something you know is wrong, how do you justify it at the time knowing it’s a mistake? Justifying a wrong action in the moment can be influenced by various factors, including cognitive bi... Knowledge 01/04/2024 287
What fact do you know that is way from back in history? The fact i know is the method of sawing individuals, particularly women, in half as a form of tortur... Knowledge 01/03/2024 279
How does reading improve memory? Reading is like a superpower for your brain!🧠✨ It's not just about getting lost in a good story or l... Knowledge 01/02/2024 345
What do you wish people knew about you? I never lie about things that have been happening to me.Since a particular period, I've been feeling... Knowledge 01/02/2024 310
Where can I verify this quote:“The most valuable knowledge in the world is the knowledge of methods.” It’s supposedly from Charles Robert Darwin or René Descartes? The quote "The most valuable knowledge in the world is the knowledge of methods" is indeed attribute... Knowledge 01/02/2024 301
Is the awareness of thoughts and knowledge part of conscience? Is it innate? The problem with the human mind comes when it tries to understand something which is beyond it.Aware... Knowledge 01/01/2024 323
What strategies does LPU employ to ensure a balance between theoretical knowledge and practical application in its courses? Hello,I hope everything's going well for you.Lovely Professional University (LPU masterfully balanc... Knowledge 01/01/2024 300
Are there any Agile knowledge websites to recommend? Absolutely! Here are some top Agile knowledge websites to check out, each with its strengths:General... Knowledge 01/01/2024 295
What is the time and place to start using your gifted knowledge? Knowledge isn’t gifted.“Gifted” is more about ability to do something, particularly a reasoning abil... Knowledge 01/01/2024 303
Is it possible for someone to completely stop learning due to a lack of interest in knowledge? I'm not sure what inspired you to ask this question, but I am guessing that you are either a senior... Knowledge 12/31/2023 300
Cheat codes about life I know at 25 I wish I knew at 18? 1. Don't give a f*ck about what other people think.2. Porn, drugs, and alcohol have no advantages. Y... Knowledge 12/31/2023 297
What are some of the lessons one should definitely learn at their 20s? People used to tell me that your 20s are “the best years of your life”, but I don’t think that’s tru... Knowledge 12/31/2023 334