Is it possible for someone to completely stop learning due to a lack of interest in knowledge? I'm not sure what inspired you to ask this question, but I am guessing that you are either a senior... Knowledge 12/31/2023 252
Cheat codes about life I know at 25 I wish I knew at 18? 1. Don't give a f*ck about what other people think.2. Porn, drugs, and alcohol have no advantages. Y... Knowledge 12/31/2023 260
What are some of the lessons one should definitely learn at their 20s? People used to tell me that your 20s are “the best years of your life”, but I don’t think that’s tru... Knowledge 12/31/2023 274
What are the limits to knowledge? There are some. We will never know what happens behind the visible universe. We will never know for... Knowledge 12/31/2023 247
Why don’t babies feel thoughts and knowledge in their consciousness? Knowledge is all the feelings but feelings are not knowledge.Consciousness is all babies but babies... Knowledge 12/30/2023 262
What are some things you wish other people knew about you? I am in 12th standard…not a college student….(People think i am 20–22 years old..😶 I feel very nervo... Knowledge 12/30/2023 271
What have you learned about spirituality? All sorts of things. Spirituality to me is like finding what is lost to you, when it comes to work,... Knowledge 12/29/2023 262
What are the effects of knowing too much? Does it make us unable to enjoy simple things anymore because our mind tries to analyze everything? If you know something,then you are convinced,so why would you over analyze and question what you are... Knowledge 12/29/2023 247
What important thing should you have? I am proud of myself mostly because I have these three things.. My excellent health.. The absolute b... Knowledge 12/29/2023 252
What are some examples of prior knowledge? All birds know how to build a nest appropriate to their species. Same goes for insects. All male ani... Knowledge 12/29/2023 257
What are 5 things nobody probably knows about you? I might look tough but I also need care, love, and affection - things that I can’t even get from my... Knowledge 12/29/2023 260
Is it true that the more you know, the more you realize you do not know? Yes, that is true. That is a small bit of wisdom that was handed down to us from the public trial of... Knowledge 12/29/2023 297
What is the most common mistake people make without knowing about it? In ninth grade of school, my friend and I had an English teacher called Alice. I really liked her, b... Knowledge 12/28/2023 276
Why is everyone being so hostile toward me, even those I don't know? Don't listen to these people telling you that you're overreacting or wrong. I have noticed this too.... Knowledge 12/28/2023 261