What has anthropology taught you that people in mainstream civilization are not yet ready to know?

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Hello Alex, thanks for the question, so sorry for the delay. The most important facts I’ve learned from science and anthropological studies in particular, is humanity does not know as much as they assume. And what we’ve learned proves how much we need to learn.

However, we do know enough to know what’s missing, IF we really want to know the whole truth.

In other words, humans have achieved many wonderful works, yet there remains much advancement left unfinished or wasted, due to a lack of complete vision of need. Lest we lose ourselves to our achievements. we do well to pursue the highest knowledge —divine wisdom.

By this kind of knowledge, understanding is made complete so as to make the human specie whole in spiritual maturity. And by this completeness the human is made perfect enough to know and do better and survive their ambitions, pursuing the best and highest achievements that divine wisdom can provide.

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