What are 10 things you wish you knew in your 30s?

admin 18 0

Though, I am in my late twenties and yet to be in thirties, but I have started to do the following things :

Trying not to heed people's talking about you. No matter how hard you try to please them, they won't stop talking.

Maintaining less social contacts in order to retain your inner peace.

Reading Books 📚 — reading gives you knowledge as well as it improves your grammar and vocabulary.

Giving more time to your family than your friends. Because in tough times your family will be there — not friends.

Be enough flexible to say sorry when mistake is yours.

Saving a fraction ( in my opinion at least 10% ) of your income. It will work in hard times.

Spending time with elders above 60 and children below 10 will show the reality of life.

Keeping calm in almost any situation is the key to a peaceful life.

Not all the time , but most of the time your looks matter.

It's better to just observe than to judge in the first time.

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