Why should I learn and read widely when I know I will never be able to create anything valuable with my knowledge?

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Whatever you’re telling yourself to believe that you won’t create anything of value is a lie. All of us are capable of extraordinary things. The secret is to follow your curiosity and to acquire and develop 3–4 skills. You don’t have to be the best at any one of these. You just have to be reasonably accomplished in each.

The value you have to offer is when you bring your life experiences to life, using those 3–4 experiences that you will create something unique, that people are likely to find valuable.

However, to become capable in any discipline, you need to learn the fundamental skills relevant to that discipline. And the only way to learn any skill is to read, practice and if you can, be taught by someone who’s mastered the thing you wish to know.

The limiting belief that you won’t ever create anything of value will hold you back and limit you from achieving what you’re capable of.

Why should I learn and read widely when I know I will never be able to create anything valuable with my knowledge?-第1张图片

The greatest thing we’ll ever create:

And now, we get to the greatest project you will ever work on - the story of your life.

The most significant creation that you need to deliver while you’re alive is your life. Your life is yours to make. You’ve been gifted an imagination, and the greatest tool ever developed, a human body, to lead and create a life.

I would encourage you to create a life that you are proud of, that would show your loved ones that you valued your time here, on earth, and that you were considered and intentional about what you created and who you became.

Everyone’s life will be different, but the way to create a life that you’ll be proud of and that others can learn from and be inspired by will require wisdom.

Wisdom comes from understanding yourself and the world around you. And wisdom needs to be learnt. There are many ways to acquire wisdom. From my personal experience, these 4 have been the most effective:


Read widely. Read anything you’re interested in or that you believe might help you understand the people and the things happening around you. People who write do so to share how they experience being alive. Even fiction writers are sharing the emotions they experience, the visions they dream of when the pen a novel.

And understanding other people’s experiences leads to empathy and wisdom. It helps you come to grips with who you are relative to how others see the world.


Learning can take on many guises. Learning is the process of acquiring new knowledge or a new skill. People learn in many different ways. I personally enjoy as structured learning environment. I enjoy spending time with people who know how to do things that I wish to know and then to have them show me how they do that thing. I find the process inspiring, and it also helps me integrate that knowledge into my own life more effectively.


Once you have learnt something new, practice to get good at it, but also practice making that thing part of your life. Habits make it difficult for us to adopt new ways of being. Practice helps us change our behaviours so that we can embody the things we’ve learnt, and thereby level-up how we live.


The one activity that has made my life special and interesting to me is the fact that I’ve travelled. I’ve lived in almost every corner of the world. I’ve met people who have had vastly different lives to my own. I have been loved, looked after, robbed, ignored, discriminated against, admired, rejected, and welcomed by many different people across this wonderous planet. And I don’t regret or wish for any of it to be different, because all the people I’ve known have carved me and my life into something unique and that I treasure.

And now that I have two young children, I see how what I’ve learnt, read, and experienced makes them curious about the world and what they’re capable of doing with their lives. And I am excited for what they are going to decide to do.

Similarly, I really hope you grab this existence and that your read, learn, experience, and make something that you can be proud of. It’s all there, you just have to start.

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