How can I improve my reading skills and increase my understanding?

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About a year ago I was facing the same problem as you.

I am a medical student and we have tons and tons of books to read and understand which I was unable to do efficiently.

I used to read for 8–10 hours daily but was unable to grasp much, my exam scores were not good enough and I wanted to improve my grasping skills.

On the other hand I had a friend who used to read less than 4 hours a day and still scoring way more than me in exams. I was genuinely frustrated by this and I decided to observing what ever she did.

I found a very different trait that she possessed, she used to study less but she read many novels and by novels I don't mean non-fiction, she used to read a lots and lots of fiction novels.

At first I was unable to understand if this was helping her in studies or this was just a thing that she did, but since it was the start of a new academic year and university exams were atleast 8 months in future, I decided to develop a habit of reading fiction.

Surprisingly after completing 5–7 novels I felt like I was also able to grasp study material easily and at the end of the year I had read 23 novels in total and my exam score also improved drastically.

How can I improve my reading skills and increase my understanding?-第1张图片

After all this I tried to decode why this happened and I was able to come up with the following conclusion:-

When you read fiction novels you build a image of the scene described in the book which keeps on changing as you go deeper into the story. Thus this improves your imagination and understanding.

When you initially start reading, you are unable to read fast but as you read more and more books your reading speed also improves. Thus, you can study the same material faster if you are a regular reader of novels.

This is why you should read

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