How did Satan know about the tree of knowledge?

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Please realize that it was not simply the tree of knowledge, but the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is also clear from the bible, that the tree of life was in the garden as well, and there was no warning from God that Adam was to refrain from eating of that tree, until he fell into sin. Then access to the tree of life was taken away until the redemption accomplished by Jesus Christ. This redemption was also retroactive to all that would believe God, unto justification by faith, in their particular time. Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.

Satan became a fallen angel, before Adam fell, and had partaken of the knowledge of good and evil by departing from the good in order to rebel against God. Thus, he had the knowledge of good and evil before Adam sinned. In Satan’s rebellion, he sought to spread his sin and rebellion to God’s special creation in the lower physical created world. Adam was created in innocence, but Satan was able to tempt Adam and Eve to fall into sin by going against the command and warning off God. Eve was deceived by Satan to partake of the forbidden tree. Then Adam disobeyed God by joining Eve in sin. Satan has always had access to God and His plans (see the book of Job), but the time is coming when he will be cast out of heaven (in the last days) and will eventually meet his fate at the end of the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

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