What are some ways to obtain a free ethical hacking certification and job training through online resources?

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There is no such thing as a hacker certificate because being a hacker is a way of life. A hacker is a person who “hacks”, which means, according to the etymology of the word, someone who seeks knowledge by tinkering with things, using logical thinking mixed with creativity and a pinch of luck.

A true hacker discovers his own learning path alone, perhaps due to the fact that most of them are ADHD and/or autistic.

So, if you want to become a hacker, the first skill you must acquire is how to seek knowledge by yourself, this step is crucial, as it will make your thought process uniquely personalized to your way, being the first step to open your mind, freeing your thoughts from the cage of mediocrity created by an educational system that mass-produce standard citizens, whose sole purpose is to nourish a stockpile of low-paid alienated workers, that incapable of thinking for themselves, can be manipulated effortlessly, perpetuating a worker/consumer market highly dependent on the system.

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