What "real world" skills should new grads learn outside of college? Whatever they haven’t learned about being self-sufficient: cooking, cleaning, mending, laundry, fina... Skills 01/29/2024 291
What are the key skills and experience needed for managerial roles? Experience with being in charge and having to coordinate people, especially against high expectation... Skills 01/28/2024 292
What is a skill assessment? How is it done in Australia? A skills assessment is a way of providing evidence to the Department that your skills have been asse... Skills 01/28/2024 297
What skills have you always wanted to learn but don't have time to? As a lifelong learner, there are always skills that I am interested in learning and incorporating in... Skills 01/28/2024 327
How can I get better (and develop an art style) at drawing when no matter how much I practice it doesn't help? Practices, rest ( go wandering around untill your mind reset , practices again, try new idea from o... Skills 01/28/2024 272
What are your top recommendations for learning a new skill quickly and efficiently? Stop believing that there is some magic formula or short-cut. That’s snake-oil. If you learn a new s... Skills 01/28/2024 323
I see pro cyclist can ride the bike on 35-40 KM/H very easily. I'm a commuter and my average speed is 19-20 KM/H. Is it the skill or the bike? Pro cyclists on flat ground average 45 km/h on flat ground (based on the past ten years of the Tour... Skills 01/27/2024 287
What key skills and details do you think are most important in your swing technique when playing golf? Key skills and details important in golf swing technique include:Grip: Proper hand placement on the... Skills 01/26/2024 271
What is the skill assessment for applying in Australia? Skill assessment is a formal evaluation of your qualification of your qualification and work experie... Skills 01/25/2024 299
What is the skill assessment for engineers? The skill assessment for engineers in Australia involves submitting academic transcripts, profession... Skills 01/24/2024 286
What can organizations learn from Toastmasters' approach to practicing and honing authenticity skills? Toastmasters International is an organization focused on helping individuals improve their public sp... Skills 01/23/2024 293
What is the most important aspect or skill of becoming a photoshop expert? The most important aspect of becoming a Photoshop expert is not just mastering the tools and techniq... Skills 01/22/2024 297
What skills should be developed as a teen? Sleep and wake up at time.Don't watch adult scene movies.Don't smoke and drink.Do meditation and exc... Skills 01/21/2024 289
What is a new skill or hobby you aim to develop in the coming year? To break the delusional bubbles of GenZ and make them realize it’s not too late to realize their tru... Skills 01/21/2024 293
What are some of the best ways to start a conversation with a girl? You: “Hi, I was mistaking you for my mother”.Girl: “Why, do I look like your mother?”You: “Oh! Yes,... Skills 01/20/2024 332